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Who we are... We are a group of wine lovers on a mission to share fine French wine with the world. How it began... LGV started as a mission to embody the culture and experience of tasting French wines We wanted to allow anyone, no matter where they’re from or their familiarity with wine, to feel indulged with our wines with the freedom of sampling, and without the need to open an entire bottle. Our mission was also driven by purpose. We sought to feature small winemakers and primarily female-led estates over commercial wineries. Our sustainable packaging is also made from recycled, double-coated PET. We believe that you don’t have to compromise quality or purpose to bring the experience of French wine to everyday life. When we toured French estates to ensure that we sourced the absolute best wines, we found that, true to French culture, each wine and estate told a story. From seeing decade-long family legacies to meeting estate owners who had planted the vineyards themselves, we have come to feel that LGV is more than tasting wine. We are so passionate about the stories and culture that each sip of LGV wine holds that we want to share it with as many as possible. We aim to bring centuries of French heritage to you, packaged in a modern way to be enjoyed anywhere, anytime to make everyday moments extraordinary.

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About Us

"Boompsdinks" - "The Great Online Shopping Place with the Crazy Name"...


Started out as an online gift shop. The idea was to bring great gift idea products made by companies with top shelf reputations in their niche, to the general public, all on one website.


Overtime, the number of vendors looking for advertising space on "Boompsdinks" increased dramatically, causing a single website to be too large and overly cluttered and complicated.


So with the intention of making the website more "user friendly" and more fair to our vendors, we decided to breakdown the one large complicated website, into a number of websites, that specialized in various marketing niches.  


As well the "Boompsdinks" name became part of "TeamRevolution2014". So now what we have is, the "Boompsdinks Marketing Group" and "Boompsdinks Family Of Online Stores"


Although "Boompsdinks" has diversified into various different marketing niches, the original "Boompsdinks Gift Ideas", does still exist, although in a more narrowly focused marketing niche. 


But make no mistake, "Boompsdinks Marketing", still strives to bring to its customers the best products available, made by the best manufacturers, with with great reputations, for making only the highest quality products.


So here we are, still trying to bring the best products, with the highest quality, at great prices, to our loyal customers. Thanks for staying with us.  :)).

Boompsdinks Online Stores

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