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The doorbell rings. You hear the word, "Delivery." When you open the door, you're presented with a stunning vase filled with roses. You're surprised. You're smiling. And your whole day has changed. Making people smile is no small accomplishment. It's an art and a passion that's been in the 1-800Flowers.com family for decades – it's what drove the creator of 1-800Flowers.com, Jim McCann to open his first flower shop in 1976. It's not just in their business plan; it's actually how the people at 1-800Flowers.com see the world. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM is a family-run business, whose exquisite floral arrangements are individually created by some of the world's top floral artists, who pick the best flowers from the best growers from around the world -- Literally, the cream of the crop.